понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

Individual Reading. Summary. Ch. 51 - 58

            After their marriage Strickland and Ata began to live in the forest. It seemed Strickland found himself there. They were 3 years of happiness for Charles. They lived alone and spoke with anyone.
            Strickland died because of leprosy. When he knew about his illness for the first time he wanted to go to the forest but Ata didn’t left him.
            Soon, unfortunately Strickland died, his wife burnt the house and the masterpiece of all his life was damaged. During his life he wasn’t rich and only with his death he became successful and his paintings became valuable masterpieces.
            The narrator returned to London and met Mrs. Strickland again. After the death of her sister she received her heritage and became a secured woman. 

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