понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

Individual Reading. Summary. Ch.41 - 50

              Strickland showed the narrator his pictures. As a matter of fact Charles’ works to him ugly, but they were strangely tantalizing and gave him different emotions. Next day the narrator saw Strickland off for Amsterdam.
            After that, Strickland left France and the narrator didn’t see him anymore. But he moved to Tahiti where he knew some information about Strickland till his death. There the narrator met Captain Nicholas, who knew Strickland and he told the storyteller many interesting facts about him. They got acquainted in Marseille and became like friends, help each other to survive.            
         Strickland waited a ship to go Tahiti because he thought and dreamed that it would be better there and Nichols was of the same opinion. They were employed to the ship going to Australia.
            On Tahiti, he worked as overseer on the plantation. He continued painting but no one regarded him as a talented painter.. Strickland had taken up a native woman.

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