1. Lena
and Ethan started to study The Book of Moons. 2. At school the next day, Link,
Lena, and Ethan told about the winter dancing party, and actually Ethan asked Lena to go to there together. 3. Unfortunately, that
party brought many problems for Lena . 4. As a
result, Lena was blamed for the winter dance
debacle, and the Jackson Disciplinary Committee held a hearing to kick her out
of school. 5. Mr. Lincoln told many facts about Lena’s past, he also revealed a
secret that Lena ’s mother killed her father,
but in that moment Macon Ravenwood showed up with Marian. 6. They got some
excellent verbal jabs and Lena was saved from expulsion.
7. The next day, Ethan took Lena into his dad’s
study. 8. There they found the secret painting in the book. 9. The painting was
of Ethan in a Confederate uniform, but actually, it was Ethan Carter, but he
looked just like our narrator. 10. Also, in that book Lena
found the message “Claim Yourself”. 11. Those words were the most important for
her. 12. It was a week until Lena 's birthday, but
they did not how to save her. 13. Lena was losing
2. At school the next day, Link, Lena, and Ethan TALKED about the winter dancing party, and actually Ethan asked Lena to go (NO 'to') there together. 5. Mr. Lincoln told many facts about Lena’s past, he also revealed a secret that Lena’s mother HAD killed her father, but AT that moment Macon Ravenwood showed up with Marian.